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We believe minimally invasive care is life-enhancing care

Why Us?

Welcome to Robotics Surgeon, the choice for state of the art robotic surgery solutions in Bangalore. Our team of expert surgeons combines their skills with cutting edge technology to ensure surgeries and exceptional patient care.

Situated in the city of Bangalore we offer a variety of surgery services customized to suit your specific medical requirements. Whether you need procedures for hernia issues or other conditions our advanced robotic systems guarantee improved accuracy, faster recovery times and reduced risks compared to traditional surgical methods.

Being a leading robotics surgeon in Bangalore, Dr. Manjunath Haridas places importance on satisfaction and safety. Our caring team is committed to providing care and assistance throughout your experience. From your consultation to operative follow up appointments we aim to make your journey as smooth and stress free as possible.

Take the step towards a future by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Manjunath Haridas today. Discover firsthand the impact that robotic surgery can have on your well being.

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    Book Appointments With Ease

    As a robotics surgeon, Dr. Manjunath Haridas combines cutting-edge technology with his surgical prowess to provide advanced and precise medical care to his patients.

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